Be it Resolved that Council receives report CAO 2024-05 regarding Dufferin County Multi-Jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan Report for information;
AND THAT the Town of Shelburne supports a revised model for fire services, one that would be based on collaboration and dissolution of the Shelburne and District Fire Board;
AND THAT the Town of Shelburne approves Option 3 from the Dufferin County Multi- Jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan Report that governance of the various fire departments revert to municipal Councils with a contract for services model be supported;
AND THAT the Town of Shelburne re-initiates discussions with the municipalities represented on the Board of the Shelburne and District Fire Department (SDFD) regarding dissolving the SDFD Fire Board and to bring SDFD under direct governance and management of the Town of Shelburne in Q1 2026;
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to the County of Dufferin, The Township of Mulmur, The Township of Melancthon, The Town of Mono, The Township of Amaranth, And the Shelburne and District Fire Department Fire Board.